Modern/Postmodern American Poetry - Spring 2005 - Prof. Steve Evans

After Patriarchal Poetry? Feminism, Gender, and the Avant-Garde in 20th-Century American Poetry & Poetics

Annotated Bibliography — by author

Adamson, Walter L. "Futurism, Mass Culture, and Women: The Reshaping of the Artistic Vocation, 1909-1920." Modernism/Modernity 4.1 (1997): 89-114. Annotated by Taryn Norman.

Blair, Sara. “Home Truths: Gertrude Stein, 27 Rue de Fleurus, and the Place of the Avant-Garde.” American Literary History 12.3 (2000): 417-37. Annotated by Silvana Costa.

Blau, Amy. “The Artist in Word and Image in Gertrude Stein’s Dix Portraits.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 36.2 (2003 June):129-44. Annotated by Silvana Costa.

Bloom, Lynn Z. “Gertrude Is Alice Is Everybody: Innovation and Point of View in Gertrude Stein’s Autobiographies.” Twentieth Century Literature 24.1 (1978): 81-93. Annotated by Lucas Hardy.

Castronuovo, Antonio. “Rrose Selavy and the Erotic Gnosis.” Tout-fait 2.5 (April 2003). Annotated by Christopher Fritton.

Cixous, Hélène. “The Laugh of the Medusa.” Trans. Keith Cohen and Paula Cohen. New French Feminisms: An Anthology. Ed. Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron. Amherst: Massachusetts UP, 1980. 245-264. Annotated by Lucas Hardy.

Dunn, Susan E. “Fashion Victims: Mina Loy’s Travesties.” Stanford Humanities Review 7.1 (1999): 101-17. Annotated by Silvana Costa.

DuPlessis, Rachel Blau. “Sub Rrosa.” The Pink Guitar. New York: Routledge, 1990. 68-82. Annotated by Joanna Crouse.

Dydo, Ulla E. “The Voice of Gertrude Stein.” Gertrude Stein: The Language That Rises. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 2003. 11-22. Annotated by Joanna Crouse.

Galvin, Mary E. “‘This shows it all’: Gertrude Stein and the Reader’s Role in the Creation of Significance.” Queer Poetics: Five Modernist Women Writers. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 37-50. Annotated by Kristin Stelmok.

Graham, Theodora R. “ ‘Her Heigh Compleynte’: The Cress Letters of William Carlos Williams’ Paterson.” Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams. Ed. Daniel Hoffman. The University of Pennsylvania Conference Papers. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1983. 164–193. Annotated by Kevin Davies.

Gregory, Elizabeth. “Figures of Williams’s Modernist Ambivalence: Poetic Lineage and Lesbians in Paterson.” William Carlos Williams Review 21.2 (1995): 37-58. Annotated by Brent Griffin.

Hopkins, David. “Men Before the Mirror: Duchamp, Man Ray and Masculinity.” Art History 21.3 (1998 September): 303-23. Annotated by Silvana Costa.

Johnson, Bob. “A Whole Synthesis of His Time: Political Ideology and Cultural Politics in the Writings of William Carlos Williams, 1929-1939.” American Quarterly 54.2 (2002): 179- 215. Annotated by Joanna Crouse.

Johnston, Georgia. “Narratologies of Pleasure: Gertrude Stein’s The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.” Modern Fiction Studies 42.3 (1996): 590-606. Annotated by Lucas Hardy.

Johnston, Georgia. “Narratologies of Pleasure: Gertrude Stein’s The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.” MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, 42.3 (1996): 590-606. Annotated by Sara Speidel.

Kern, Robert. "Williams, Brautigan, and the Poetics of Primitivism." Chicago Review 27.1 (1975): 47-57. Annotated by Eric York.

Kouidis, Virginia M. "The Female Self.” Mina Loy: American Modernist Poet. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana UP, 1980. 26-48. Annotation by Monica Fauble.

Kouidis, Virginia. “Rediscovering Our Sources: The Poetry of Mina Loy.” boundary 2 8.3 (1980): 167-188. Annotation by Robin Brox.

Kristeva, Julia. “Préliminaires théoriques,” “Le sujet phénomenologique de l’énonciation.” “La chora sémiotique: ordonnancement des pulsions.” La revolution du langage poétique. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1974. 11-30. Annotated by Sara Speidel.

Kristeva, Julia. “Préliminaires théoriques,” “Le sens hylétique de Husserl: une thèse naturelle commandée par le sujet jugeant,” “Le sens pré-supposé de Hjelmslev,” “Le thétique: rupture et/ou frontière,” “Le miroir et la castration posant le sujet absent du signifiant.” La revolution du langage poétique. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1974. 30-49. Annotated by Sara Speidel.

Lénárt-Cheng, Helga. “Autobiography as Advertisement: Why Do Gertrude Stein’s Sentences Get under Our Skin?” New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 34.1 (2003): 117-31. Annotated by Sara Speidel.

Moore, Patrick. “William Carlos William and the Modernist Attack on Logical Syntax.” ELH 53.4 (1986): 895-916. JSTOR. 30 Jan. 2005 <>. Annotated by Robin Brox.

Ngai, Sianne. “Stuplimity: Shock and Boredom in Twentieth-Century Aesthetics.” Postmodern Culture 10:2 (2000). Annotated by Brent Griffin.

Peppis, Paul. “Rewriting Sex: Mina Loy, Marie Stopes and Sexology.” Modernism/modernity 9.4 (November 2002): 561-579. Annotated by Joanna Crouse.

Peppis, Paul. “Rewriting Sex: Mina Loy, Marie Stopes, and Sexology.” Modernism/Modernity 9.4 (2002): 561-79. Annotated by Brent Griffin.

Peppis, Paul. "Rewriting Sex: Mina Loy, Marie Stopes and Sexology." Modernism/modernity 9.4 (2002): 561-579. Annotated by Taryn Norman.

Perkins, Priscilla. “’A Little Body With a Very Large Head’: Composition, Psychopathology, and the Making of Stein’s Normal Self.” MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 42.3 (1996 Fall): 529-45. Annotated by Sara Speidel.

Perloff, Marjorie. “What’s in a Box.” William Carlos Williams Review 18.2 (1992): 50-57. Annotated by Robin Brox.

Pitchford, Nicola. “Unlikely Modernism, Unlikely Postmodernism: Stein’s Tender Buttons.” American Literary History 11.4 (1999): 642-667. JSTOR. 20 Jan. 2005 <>. Annotated by Robin Brox.

Rose, Marilyn Gaddis. “Gertrude Stein and Cubist Narrative.” MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 42.3 (1996): 543-55. Annotated by Sara Speidel.

Schmid, Julie. “Mina Loy’s Futurist Theatre.” Performing Arts Journal 18.1 (1996): 1-7. Annotated by Joanna Crouse.

Sheffield, Rob. “Mina Loy in Too Much Too Soon: Poetry/Celebrity/Sexuality/ Modernity.” Literary Review: An International Journal of Contemporary Writing 46.4 (2003 Summer): 625-35. Annotated by Silvana Costa.

Shreiber, Maeera. “‘Love is a Lyric / Of Bodies’: The Negative Aesthetics of Mina
Loy’s Love Song to Joannes.” Mina Loy: Woman and Poet. Ed. Maeera Shreiber and Keith Tuma. Orono, Maine: The National Poetry Foundation, 1998. 87–109. Annotated by Monica Fauble.

Taylor, Linda Arbaugh. “Lines of Contact: Mina Loy and William Carlos Williams.” William Carlos Williams Review 16.2 (1990): 26-47. Annotated by Eric York.

Taylor, Melanie. “The Poetics of Difference: The Making of Americans and Unreadable Subjects.” NWSA Journal Vol. 15 No. 3 (Fall 2003): 26-42. Annotated by Monica Fauble.

Tischler, Alyson. "A Rose Is a Pose: Steinian Modernism and Mass Culture,” Journal of Modern Literature, 26.3/4 (2003); 12-27. Annotated by Taryn Norman.

Tracy, Steven C. “William Carlos Williams and Blues: A Magazine of New Rhythms.” William Carlos Williams Review 15. 2 (1989 Fall): 17-29. Annotated by Silvana Costa.

Valesio, Paolo. “’The Most Enduring and Most Honored Name’: Marinetti as Poet.” F.T. Marinetti: Selected Poems and Related Prose. Ed. Luce Marinetti. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2002. 149-165. Annotated by Monica Fauble.

Watten, Barrett. “An Epic of Subjectivation: The Making of Americans.” Modernism/Modernity 5.2 (1998): 95-121. Annotated by Kristin Stelmok.