01) 0.358721 this second kind of happiness
02) 3.716749 was the synthesis of very simple elements
03) 7.592930 it doesn't matter because each thing is coming up
04) 11.648472 buzzing faintly at the blurred edge
05) 14.707566 he thought he had never seen anything quite so...
06) 18.444244 things had endured this way for some time
07) 22.420070 the way that leads to understanding
08) 25.907637 an alternative way would be the life as ritual concept
09) 30.869945 the wind is now fresh and full
10) 33.939004 thus summed up he felt sickened
11) 37.187423 no ' one must treasure each moment of the past
12) 41.601686 whole tribes of seekers of phenomena
13) 45.906339 already we have wandered far from the track
14) 49.383941 it is then that our bodies combined in such way
15) 53.319909 so of the three methods
16) 55.063692 reason ' sense
17) 56.618150 or a knowing combination
18) 59.667280 for a casual moment of knowing
19) 62.875841 was the synthesis of very simple elements