Terminology note: By analogy with Barthes's lexias, I'd like to call those segments of auditory experience into which our hearing of a poem divides "audias" (singular: audia). I supply the following transcript, generated using the "label track" function of Audacity, as a preliminary way of thinking about how sentence, line, and audia interact and inform the analysis of poetry soundfiles. [Back to Lipstick of Noise.]
Fanny Howe - Basic Science
[Note: syllables in all caps carry lexical stress]
00.574397 BA sic SCI ence
03.257541 One ca DAV er said to the OTH er ca DAV er
06.161002 You're my ca DAV er
xx.xxxxxx [faint laughter]
08.521539 The con ver SA tion END ed there
10.488653 [louder laughter]
11.401394 but not its ef FECTS
13.698983 Their souls had e VAP o rat ed
16.035915 It was up to love to raise them from their LIT ters
19.332798 And let them ar RIVE as the LIV ing poor ' at the SUR face of earth
23.825687 It did
25.430852 At first the MAC u late pair ' poked and picked through REF use
30.096847 De NI als were their DAI ly breads
33.189151 Then they were sold to those who found their fer TIL i ty a BO nus
37.815803 Owned then by the LIV ing with names & FOR tunes [/toonz/]
41.411688 with LOV ers who say, LOV er, I'm your LOV er
45.023310 Ca DAV ers were still the ma JOR i ty
48.131350 they kept cre A tion GO ing
49.917490 and love as well
51.923946 like hands on a cold or sun burned back
55.582779 a WEIGHT with PROP er ties that AN i mate