ENG 529.002 • Spring 2011
English Department • University of Maine
Dr. Steven R. Evans
Reading James Joyce's Ulysses
This seminar will be dedicated to the task, best accomplished in good company, of reading James Joyce's Ulysses.
Prior knowledge of the text, in part or in full, is welcome but by no means presupposed. We will draw on the different background competencies of seminar participants, as well as the ample (and ever-expanding) body of secondary literature, in the course of interpreting a novel that has had a decisive impact on our understanding of literary modernism and its aftermath.
Required text: James Joyce, Ulysses. Our common reference will be to the edition prepared by H.W. Gabler for Vintage Books in 1986.
Note: Students interested in taking this course are encouraged to read Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man over the winter break.
A detailed course overview is available here. Course related links are here. Individual sessions of the seminar are summarized here.